Your two coaches - It's the mix that counts!

Your top coaches
Lorenz &

CleverPitch was created through the collaboration of Lorenz and David, two top experts in their respective fields. When developing the program, both had the ambition to develop a presentation and appearance training that sets standards. Her vision was to combine "new learning methods" smartly with "traditional learning". The result is a program in which theoretical know-how is learned in online webinars and then practiced in a real-live setting in front of a real audience. The result is a new form of hybrid learning that is not only highly effective, but also incredibly fun!

"Thou shalt not bore!"Billy Wilder

Lorenz Wenger is a communications expert, keynote speaker and author. As former President of Switzerland and board member of the GSA - the largest speakers' association in Switzerland - he has unique expertise on the subject of performance skills. His own speeches on "courage" inspire people throughout the German-speaking world who want to push their own boundaries

David Kaspar, Executive Coach

"What Got You Here Won't Get You There!"
David Kaspar is an executive coach & transformation consultant, founder and CEO of a start-up. Thanks to more than 10,000 hours of coaching and sparring with executives, top executives and management boards, he brings an extraordinary expertise regarding the target group and their challenges regarding presentation, rhetoric and storytelling. His insights are often referred to as "shortcuts for careers".
Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions about the content? Questions about the company program?
Do you have questions about the content? Or do you have questions about how Peakly CleverPitch can be implemented in your company? I look forward to a personal exchange with you!


How to reach us
+41 (0) 44 558 33 44