All info about CleverPitch
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All info about CleverPitch

Program CleverPitch includes three online live seminars on "Stress-free presentation", "Storytelling" and "Creating presentations", a PitchDay on site including video analysis, in-depth microlearning sessions and optional individual coaching if required.
Certificate The entire program leads to the certificate "CleverPitch - Excellence in Presentation & Storytelling"
Course dates
Package The blended learning program of a 3-day speaker & presenter training.
Inhouse CleverPitch is also available as an internal company program.

Online course registration

After your binding registration you will receive a confirmation and all information about payment, login and Learning Cloud.

Your details*
Select event*
Read GTC*
Stress-free presentation
How do I develop the confidence to present myself and my message convincingly?
Story & Presentation
Basics and structure of an effective presentation. Good storytelling.
Performing in front of an audience
Your performance in front of an audience. What really matters. With video analysis.

A Peakly product
Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions about the content? Questions about the company program?
Do you have questions about the content? Or do you have questions about how Peakly CleverPitch can be implemented in your company? I look forward to a personal exchange with you!


How to reach us
+41 (0) 44 558 33 44