How to develop a convincing presentation with a good story

Story & Presentation

How to develop a convincing presentation with a good story

Take the audience with you

Your audience is more self-centered than you think! Whether consciously or unconsciously, they always ask themselves the same questions: Does this person on stage have the necessary expertise? Can I trust them? Is the content so relevant to me personally that I should listen to this person?

If you can't answer these questions during your presentation, you'll lose your audience before you've even started. Attention is a limited commodity, so you need to be relevant, entertaining and approachable for your audience in the first few minutes.

We are more emotional than we admit

Facts, figures and data are important. Your presentation should have a solid logical foundation and not expose you as a dilettante. However, if your presentation is too top-heavy, you run the risk of losing your audience halfway through.

The trick is to wrap your key messages in a good story. A story that engages the audience and appeals not only to our thoughts but also to our emotions. First and foremost, we want to be entertained, not instructed!

How to develop a convincing presentation with a good story

Take the audience with you

Your audience is more self-centered than you think! Whether consciously or unconsciously, they always ask themselves the same questions: Does this person on stage have the necessary expertise? Can I trust them? Is the content so relevant to me personally that I should listen to this person?

If you can't answer these questions during your presentation, you'll lose your audience before you've even started. Attention is a limited commodity, so you need to be relevant, entertaining and approachable for your audience in the first few minutes.

We are more emotional than we admit

Facts, figures and data are important. Your presentation should have a solid logical foundation and not expose you as a dilettante. However, if your presentation is too top-heavy, you run the risk of losing your audience halfway through.

The trick is to wrap your key messages in a good story. A story that engages the audience and appeals not only to our thoughts but also to our emotions. First and foremost, we want to be entertained, not instructed!

 Next Dates

No dates at the moment. New ones are in the works.

Person and personality

The analog personality gains value in digital times!

In our digital age, information is free and available in abundance. That's why the "analog" personality is increasingly making the decisive difference. Show yourself as a person with your own profile and share your personal experiences with your audience.


For most participants in our CleverPitch program, this conscious positioning is a step out of their own comfort zone. Experience has shown that taking this emotional hurdle pays off a thousandfold. There is great potential in this, which will not only help you on stage, but also in any kind of communication with other people. Especially in a business context!

With technique and practice to success

It is not only important that you prepare your "dish" technically correctly, but that you can also present it masterfully. Only then will it become a unique experience for your "guests"!
Technically correct preparation
A gripping start, a precisely formulated core message, a convincing call to action at the end: these are key elements of a well-structured presentation.

Masterful presentation
This compulsory part is the foundation on which your presentation stands. However, you don't just want your audience to understand the content, you want to really convince them. This only works with a good story. Learn how to build this story with CleverPitch!

Stress-free presentation
How do I develop the confidence to present myself and my message convincingly?
Performing in front of an audience
Your performance in front of an audience. What really matters. With video analysis.
Dates & registration

Dates & registration

All information about the course organization and registration for Clever-Pitch

A Peakly product
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Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
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Do you have questions about the content? Or do you have questions about how Peakly CleverPitch can be implemented in your company? I look forward to a personal exchange with you!


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