For anyone who wants to increase their impact
Target audience

For anyone who wants to increase their impact

CleverPitch is your key to outstanding presentation skills. The certified blended learning program was specially developed for ambitious executives, entrepreneurs and project managers who want to reach a new professional level in the areas of "Stress-free presentation", "storytelling" and "Convincing presentation in front of an audience". And want to have fun doing it!

Are these your challenges?

CleverPitch will help you make decisive progress if these points are among your challenges and learning areas.
  • You are very knowledgeable, but you are not always able to convince your audience due to your nervousness and stress. You don't just want to inform, you want to move people.

  • You sometimes find it difficult to convey the core of your message in a precise yet captivating way without digressing into details. You want to learn to make the big points.

  • You are basically very quick-witted. But in the Q&A sessions after your presentation, you often fail to come up with clever answers. You want to be able to "duel" in all situations in the future
  • .

1. appear stress-free

In this course, you will learn how to overcome stage fright and nervousness and how to use your body language - voice, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact - in such a way that you come across as a confident personality

2. story & presentation

In this course, you will learn how to create a captivating presentation and use emotional storytelling to engage your audience not only intellectually but also emotionally and win them over.

3. appearance with video

Take advantage of the unique opportunity on PitchDay to demonstrate your skills with your performance in a live setting, receive valuable feedback including video analysis and thus improve yourself.

4. deepening & transfer

Whether at home or over lunch: over the course of 3 weeks, you will deepen your knowledge with the help of online microlearning units and consolidate your new skills through practical exercises. This is how the transfer succeeds!

5. optional coaching

You can go one step further and perfect your presentation and appearance skills with the help of your personal coach. This will make the program even more tailor-made!

Together to success

CleverPitch is ideal for you if you want to take your skills in confident presentation and convincing pitching of messages and projects to the next level.

Executives, entrepreneurs and project managers

CleverPitch is perfectly tailored to executives, entrepreneurs and project managers who are eager to learn and who not only want to develop themselves, but also inspire and inspire others.

Work hard - celebrate success together!

Are you ready to master these challenges and massively improve your performance skills? Sign up for CleverPitch now and start your transformative journey. We look forward to getting to know you personally, supporting you on this exciting journey and celebrating success together!
Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions about the content? Questions about the company program?
Do you have questions about the content? Or do you have questions about how Peakly CleverPitch can be implemented in your company? I look forward to a personal exchange with you!


How to reach us
+41 (0) 44 558 33 44